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As a family with four kids of different ages, Christmas shopping can be challenging at times. What Dylan loved a year ago, he may have completely given up by now. Our little Evelyn is definitely cycling through interests quickly at 4 years old! Although it doesn’t seem like dinosaurs will be going anywhere anytime soon… […]
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Disappointment is a common feeling that absolutely everyone experiences. And we all know many people who experience disappointment in marriage – in fact you might be one of them. Kevin and I have been married for 23 years, which has left lots of opportunities to be disappointed. However, I find that the longer we are […]
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What are you doing for your marriage? Dates are an easy answer, even though very few couples prioritize them! Dates with your spouse don’t always have to be elaborate and expensive. Some of our favorite dates are actually FREE! Date ideas for your marriage We will grab our baseball gloves, find a nearby field, and […]
photography by spintown creative
copyright bek&Kev 2022
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