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We are Bekah and Kevin Tinter!
We are so excited that you are here to learn alongside us! We are passionate about helping others to thrive in life.
We have made mistakes, but we've also made a lot of key choices to help us get to where we are. We want to help you to know your goals and reach them as well!


Prosperity With A Purpose

About Us

October 21, 2020

Do you believe that giving gives purpose?

What is the point of all the hard work and toil that you do? Is it so that you can achieve all of your childhood dreams of having a big house, a nice car, and 200 puppies?

It’s important to know WHY you are doing all the things that you are doing! If you have no goal, you will never feel like you achieved anything.

So take a moment and honestly think about why you work hard, and what it’s all for.

Does achievement and success look like having a really nice new car? Designer handbags? Or maybe it’s less materialistic and success looks like staying at home with your kids. Or being able to take family vacations every year. All of these things are good and fine. But they cannot be the only reason we work hard and strive to be prosperous. Vacations, cars, even your kids, can’t be your sole purpose because they won’t fill you up..


Prosperity with a purpose sounds like such a bumper sticker thing to say. But when you LIVE it, breathe it, truly believe it – then it just makes sense. And it’s something you want to tell everyone you know! We believe that the purpose of being successful is to help others do the same.

Our health coaching business brings us SUCH JOY! Why? Because we truly love to see people experience the freedom that comes with losing the physical weight that slows them down, and causes countless health issues. And we love to see them experience freedom in their relationships – maybe with their significant other, even their kids, and with their grandkids! (Bekah’s dad was her first client! What a transformative journey that was for both of them, and the rest of our family!)

And then for those who have chosen to become health coaches themselves, we’ve seen the financial freedom that has brought for them, and to be able to help parents work from home is such a reward for us!


Generosity is something we have practiced since the beginning of our marriage. Which in the beginning – we had very little, so we gave what looked like a little. But it was actually quite a sacrifice at the time. But we have always believed that what God has given to us, is truly a calling of stewardship. Our pastor often says: “It’s not yours to own, it’s just on loan.” And we truly believe this.

Giving is not something that comes natural to us as humans. It’s something that needs to be practiced! But just like working out – the more you work out a muscle – the stronger it gets!


We believe in prosperity with a purpose. If we can’t do something useful with what God has given us, then we don’t deserve to have it in our hands. We are so very thankful with the lives God has blessed us with, and the work we are able to do. We want to pay it forward to as many people as possible. Giving is truly an act of obedience and service that we do to give back to God, and to bless those he has called us to serve generously.

Our church, Sun Valley Community Church, made this video about our family for their Giving Series. We whole-heartedly believe that giving is good, and we try to model this with our time and resources. If you aren’t in the habit of giving – we want to encourage you to try it out! Even if you aren’t religious – there are so many phenomenal charities and organizations you can support.

We personally love supporting Christian Family Care Agency, which we were licensed to become foster parents through them, so that we could adopt our daughter! We also love Hands of Hope, which you can learn more about them from this blog post. And we love supporting Group Homes for foster kids during the holidays! It truly truly feels so good to give and help others out!

Bless Others

If you don’t believe that your prosperity should benefit others, as well as yourself, then we believe it’s because you haven’t experienced the joy of seeing others being blessed by you. Try it out!

Start small: Buy someone coffee in the drive thru lane. You won’t be able to see them, or be thanked by them, but you can know that they will be surprised and delighted! Give a big tip if your waiter does a great job serving you. An extra $20 might not mean much to you, but it will to the person who depends on tips!

Then go bigger: Help send a kid to summer camp, because his mom is a single mom and they can’t afford that kind of luxury. Donate your car to a foster care organization so that a bio family who has just been reunited with their kids needs it more than you need the $2,000 you would have made on Craigslist.

Let us know how your prosperity has had a purpose in the life of others!

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We are Bekah and Kevin Tinter!
We are so excited that you are here to learn alongside us! We are passionate about helping others to thrive in life.
We have made mistakes, but we've also made a lot of key choices to help us get to where we are. We want to help you to know your goals and reach them as well!


photography by spintown creative

copyright bek&Kev 2022