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We are Bekah and Kevin Tinter!
We are so excited that you are here to learn alongside us! We are passionate about helping others to thrive in life.
We have made mistakes, but we've also made a lot of key choices to help us get to where we are. We want to help you to know your goals and reach them as well!


How to Have a Good Day


August 3, 2021

We are strong believers that every day is a perfect opportunity to learn something new, get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to achieve more! 

Another priority of ours is working to instill values in our four children that will help them define themselves and learn to have a good day, every day. We even have a printed copy stuck on the fridge – download yours here! Whether you’re reading this to help your children, or yourself, we think you’ll find this list helpful to keep top of mind. 

If you ever find yourself struggling to have a good day, or just want to set yourself up for success right from the start, we are certain these concepts and recommendations will be a great place to start. When you have the right tools to face your challenges, you’ll find yourself well equipped to push yourself to achieve more and ultimately have a GREAT day!


Empowerment is about taking control of your life and making decisions to help you succeed. People who are not empowered tend to allow others to make decisions for them, which leads to a lack of confidence in themselves and their decisions.

Feeling empowered starts with self-awareness – understanding your strengths, your weaknesses, and how you define your purpose. What is it you want to be known for? 

The next step is to truly take control of your life – make a plan, commit, and take action! Set goals for yourself and implement changes daily to put yourself on the path to achieving your desired outcome. 

Empowering yourself means not being knocked down every time a challenge arises, but having the knowledge, persistence, and resilience to get back up and keep working toward your goals.

Not sure how to start? Check out our Maximum Impact Guide which outlines the 5 most important keys to success that are the core of everything we do.


While routines, regular schedules, and consistent expectations help to create a world of structure and predictability for ourselves and our children, change is a fact of life. In fact, there is a saying “the only constant in life is change”. Whether planned or unexpected, change is unavoidable. How you face change says a lot about who you are, and how your day will ultimately turn out.

Remember, kids are always looking up to you, as parents, and watching how you react to what life throws your way. Acknowledging your own feelings and regulating your reactivity is a great place to start. 


Such a small word, yet so many of us have trouble with it. Some people believe that by saying ‘no’ they are being selfish or rude. This isn’t the case at all! Saying ‘no’ indicates that you value yourself, respect your time, and can stand up for your beliefs.

Kevin has a ton to say on this concept so let us know in the comments if you’re excited to learn more!


We all make mistakes! It’s one of the beautiful parts of being human. We may also know that learning from our mistakes leads to growth and personal improvement, but do you also know how important it is to own up to these mistakes, too? Taking responsibility for personal actions and decisions is what strong leaders do. 

Owning your mistakes means being accountable, honest, and up front. Leaders don’t run from their mistakes or pass on the burden of the mistake to another. Without being accountable, honest, and up front about mistakes, we are building a house on unsteady ground. Own your mistakes, and you’ll never be a slave to them.

There are several more layers when you add kids to the mix. As a parent or guardian, you are not only guiding the child to make good decisions by taking responsibility for their actions but you’re also helping them navigate the fine lines around honesty, accountability, and even grace when it comes to demonstrating how to deal with others’ mistakes. Just remember that even when it doesn’t feel like it, children are watching and learning from our actions, even when we don’t put them in words.


Have you read our blog on Prosperity with a Purpose? We believe that the purpose of being successful is to help others do the same, and this involves being happy for the blessings that others receive!

“And so we celebrated because the LORD had indeed worked miracles for us.” 

Psalm 126:3

This doesn’t always come naturally, especially to children, so we try to be very intentional about demonstrating how to celebrate others’ successes. If you find yourself feeling envious rather than celebratory, you may want to take a step back and count your own blessings. Once you’ve done that you can work on identifying why you’re feeling the way you are and form goals for yourself and your life, separate from what you’re seeing in others.


We all know the saying, ‘when at first you don’t succeed, try, try again’. Failure is a part of life, and just like making mistakes, it’s part of what makes us human! A key component in facing failure is learning perseverance and resilience. Here are a few benefits of failure you may be overlooking:

  • There is always a lesson to learn. Find that lesson and you’ve found value.
  • Learning to deal with failure appropriately will make it that much easier to handle it the next time around. Practice makes perfect!
  • It keeps you humble and encourages you to keep everything in perspective.


“Persistence means going forward even when the circumstances are holding you back.”

You’ve probably heard that persistence is the key to success. We’d argue that there’s a whole lot more than one key to success, but this is definitely a big one! Here’s why: Only you can make yourself better. Do you want to build your business? You better be ready to work hard for it. Do you want to create better financial habits? It takes consistency and dedication. Without persistence, your ability to pursue the growth and development you seek will be quite limited.

This is another concept that is addressed in our Maximum Impact Guide, so if you still haven’t had a chance to check that blog out, do it now! Finally, if you struggle with perseverance, you’re in the right place. Specialized advice and a strong support system are great strategies for improving your perseverance skills. We are here to help!


“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

We started off with very little, and are thankful every day to be where we are now: raising four amazing kids, discovering our passion for health coaching, working for ourselves, and empowering others on the path to Uncommon Freedom™!

Sometimes it’s easier to focus on the negatives than to be thankful and express gratitude. Putting in the effort to give thanks each day leads to some pretty amazing things. Being thankful opens the door to joy, strengthens your positive mindset and leads to growth in the direction of where we want to be in life!


In our most troubled times, we remind ourselves, and encourage our kids to remember, that God is always with you. God has a plan for each and every one of us. No matter how the circumstances of life change, no matter what life throws at us, no matter how we are tested, the Lord is always there to give us what we need to make it through our most challenging times. 

A book that brings together many of the above points happens to be one of our Top 2 Leadership Books! Check out Relentless: The Power You Need to Never Give Up, by John Bevere. This is a must-read for everyone who is looking for guidance through life and discovering the strength that lies within.

Check out more of our Top Leadership Books and Top Parenting Books. Let us know your thoughts on the list above in the comments below!

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We are Bekah and Kevin Tinter!
We are so excited that you are here to learn alongside us! We are passionate about helping others to thrive in life.
We have made mistakes, but we've also made a lot of key choices to help us get to where we are. We want to help you to know your goals and reach them as well!


photography by spintown creative

copyright bek&Kev 2022